Friday, March 4, 2011

a few things

alrighty then. its been a while since i last updated... and a few things have happened...

i am in a terrible mood, so im just gonna list them and get it over with.

1) recently started hearing stuff in the attic. am too afraid to look.

2)woke up the other day and had writing all over my arms. said "no escape, no life. sees me us." all the o's had x's through them and me was x'd out. other wrist just had the operator symbol on it.

3)jamming at a friends house today. twas fun. till some guy was standing outside in a red shirt, staring in at us. according to my friend, he was rocking out to the song we were playing, along with his girlfriend. i dont think for a second that they were just passers-by that stopped for the pretty music. they were watching me. i know it.

anyway. too tired to do anything else or go into detail.. might read a few blogs... but then im gonna sleep and hope i dont wake up to find im dead...


  1. Great. At least you're still alive, Matt. Thank. God. ~Frap

  2. frap... ive been commenting on a bunch of blogs... of course im not dead...

  3. Frap, he's been commenting on a bunch of blogs, of course he isn't dead.

  4. Frap, he's been commenting on a bunch of blogs, of course he isn't dead.

  5. ...wait... why did you guys just say the EXACT SAME THING and why did you even feel the need to say what i have already said?
