Monday, February 7, 2011

cant concentrate cant see straight... head hurting... eyes hurting... apparently bleeding too... huh...


itcant be happeningtome...


  1. Let it go.

    Let it roll right off your shoulders.

    Don't you know?

    The hardest part is over.
    - Rob Thomas

    I wish you well, despite the fact that you removed my hero and idol from this world, you're Family so. . .I hope only the best for you.

  2. @Liam, tell me why you need me and what im supposed to breaking out of.

    @Gospel, Bruder was a bastard, and so are you. you idolize the wrong thing too. and i wont even tell you what you were supposed to idolize either.

  3. I think he means your depression.

    We need. . .you. Simple as that.
