Saturday, February 5, 2011

good fucking riddance

hes done.

gone forever.

never to annoy me again.

it was so easy to be rid of him.

and please, for the love of god, stay dead.


  1. I'm glad you've disposed of him. Are you okay? Where was he?

  2. Bruder...

    Is NOOC dead?

    Or is it really you, NOOC?

  3. its me. not bruder. his head is currently impaled on a pole in what used to be my front lawn.

    not that that matters really.

    heh... i guess im turning into some kind of heartless, murderous bastard...

    oh well... WELP i have to plan when i can start up a friendly conversation with slenderfuck! :D

  4. Oh how very nice, impalement so rarely sees good use these days. Glad to see you survived in the end.

  5. Silly little question, I am clearly Deraviant as you stated yourself. A deranged deviant, mad by my own volition. Or more simply put I am a friend, which is really all you need concern yourself with.

  6. i dont like people who pop up randomly claiming to be my friend.

    you cant just waltz in and demand my respect.

    its a tough thing to earn you egotistical bastard.

    so prove to me the reason why i should trust you.

  7. Ha ha, you're quite the reactive type aren't you. How fun, truly fun. I never asked for your respect or trust, so you shouldn't presume that I want either. The friendship was merely extended was merely given as an additional means of support and kindness, considering all you've been going through. But since it seems you aren't fond of such things, then I shall retract the friendship-for now at least, and simply be an observing acquaintance to you.

    And I cannot prove any reason you can trust me just yet. Trust after all takes time-only an idiot would trust someone immediately. That sort of thing takes time. Fortunately I hae plenty of that; I just hope you have plenty of time as well, as I would hate to end this...connection for lack of a better term, so suddenly.

  8. new name for ya; Derp.

    So Derp, what makes you so inclined to post a comment here? is it just that you are sadistic jerk who likes to make me feel like i have some outside supporters that just come out of nowhere? or are you going through this shit as well?

    if its the former, i suggest you just leave me alone, along with everyone else.

    but if its the latter, well i guess welcome to the most dysfunctional family in the world. dont expect me to introduce you to anyone, you gotta meet them yourself.

    you still arent a friend yet in my book, and you are barely an acquaintance. but just by being here, i am obliged by my own rules to tell you this; Stay Sane, Stay Alive
